I'm Zach you'll find me on both the Vlog and Fashion Section of American Zoomer. First off my inspiration for creating content and videos actually came from a couple of YouTubers I started watching last summer, Drew Philips and Josh Ovalle. Their videos were always them messing around with their best friends and just having fun, I wanted to recreate that vibe with my friends so people can feel the same way I feel when watching Drew and Josh's videos. All my videos and future videos really won't have any format to it, everything I create I want to be on the spot. For fashion, I don't really have an inspiration for wearing my clothes maybe except anime and other shows lol. I just like looking good cause it makes me feel good. My whole entire family sort of knows how to dress so I guess it's genetics. I like to mix match my clothes all the time so I don't have a favorite outfit. Except for my baby picture crewneck.
